Showing posts with label tina marie robertson pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tina marie robertson pictures. Show all posts

December 19, 2007

Tyna Marie Robertson accused Michael Flatley of sexual assault

I have got these key words on Google Tends (tina marie robertson pictures, tina marie robertson picture, tina marie robertson, tina marie robertson photo, tyna marie robertson pictures). Many people are searching on Tyna Marie Robertson because she had accused dancer Michael Flatley of sexual assault.

Robertson had alleged Flatley raped her in a Las Vegas hotel in 2002 and threatened to sue unless he agreed to pay a "seven figures" settlement, according to court papers.

After collecting all information the Judge has found that Tyna Marie Robertson made false accusation.

Superior Court Judge Michael L. Stern found that real estate agent Tyna Marie Robertson had defamed and intentionally inflicted emotional distress upon Flatley, 49, who appeared in "Riverdance," "Lord of the Dance," "Feet of Flames" and "Celtic Tiger."

Dear reader you could find some information about who is Tyna Marie Robertson in the link too.